Japan e-Tax Web Software Loads Forever

Mar 9, 2024


If you try using NTA of Japan’s eTax, are an English speaker, and get this spinning dial forever:

You can hit F12 and you will see an error in the log like this:

Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found)
d._getText @ dojo.js:16
maskat.js:1 Uncaught Error: Could not load ‘dojo.nls.etaxweb_dlparts_en-us’; last tried ‘./nls/etaxweb_dlparts_en-us.js’
at dojo._loadModule.dojo.require (dojo.js:16:5872)
at eval (eval at load (plugin.js:1:15424), <anonymous>:16:66173)
at dojo.i18n._searchLocalePath (eval at load (plugin.js:1:15424), <anonymous>:16:65920)
at _2d5 (eval at load (plugin.js:1:15424), <anonymous>:16:66068)
at dojo.i18n._preloadLocalizations (eval at load (plugin.js:1:15424), <anonymous>:16:66220)
at eval (eval at load (plugin.js:1:15424), <anonymous>:16:430488)
at B.load (plugin.js:1:15424)
at B.loadPlugin (maskat.js:1:24406)
at B.process (maskat.js:1:23098)
at maskat.js:1:50999

The problem is your preferred browser language is English. You need to change it to Japanese to load it up. Or switch locale with an extension.




Personal interests in literature, SF, and whisky/whiskey/scotch, Software Engineer by Trade